Marathon Recovery - And a Moose Sighting!

I'm not sure that running at 10,000 feet is the appropriate recovery run but it was fun. The creek at the beginning of Pikes Trail above Breckenridge, Colorado.  

Creek on Pikes Trail Breckenridge, Colorado

Just a reminder - Mother Nature owns everything you see and, one day, she wants it all back. And Mother Nature is not inclined to say please.

Mother Nature vs the bridge

There's still a bit of snow on the trail - and a lot on the peaks.

Distance Peaks

I was surprised that the trail was so runnable. Since I was in recovery, I didn't push (which is why we have pictures). Walk/run and listening to the body.

Peaks Trail Breckenridge Colorado

Bonus for the day - coming across a momma moose. She let me get close enough to take some pictures but I figured it would be prudent to not close in on the baby. Moose can be incredibly dangerous. Awfully cute, though.

Breckenridge Moose