Bring Your Masks, I'll Provide the Matches

The mask-burning party is tonight at my house. Bring your masks - my granddaughter wants to burn a mask but not the one she likes, so we’re giving her a different mask to torch. I’ll have a small cozy fire pit to lob the little face diapers into. We don’t need the Fires of Mount Doom in Mordor for this project. All we need is a little fire, a lot of mockery of the petty tyrants like Dear Governor, and the pleasure of like-minded friends committed to the proposition that we will not allow obnoxious and foolish progs to restrain our natural rights.

I bumped into one of our city council members and gave him a heads up that the party was happening. His response? “Naked Faces Matter!”

I’m stealing that. I also invited him to the party. He’s one of us.

At the risk (substantial) of making a big fat target of myself, the address is 308 2nd Street, Asotin, WA. Parking is whatever you can find on the street. After school hours, the bus parking is usable.

The nearest restrooms are around the corner at the Zip Trip.

I’ll have the grill fired up around 5:30PM. I’m cheating and using gas. Charcoal tastes a lot better, but really isn’t designed for mass production. I’ll also have some coffee on hand, hot water for hot chocolate, pop, egg nog, and water. If you want to bring a small dish of your own, that would be great but not required.

In the event we get crazy people showing up to ‘counter-protest’, the game plan is to treat them with kindness. I really doubt we’ll get any, but better to have a plan than not. We’ll offer them coffee and pop, burgers and dogs. I guess, if they’re vegan, we can offer potato chips. We’re not going to argue with them. Their minds are not open to our viewpoint, and we won’t waste our time and energy on them. Deal?
